
Upcoming Conference Sessions

Join us for CORE symposia, sessions, and presentations at upcoming conferences:

GMA-Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung

09. Aug 2024
1:30 PM to 3:00 PM



Critical Online Reasoning in Medical Education

BERA Conference and WERA Focal Meeting 2024

08.-12. Sep 2024


Interdisciplinary Approaches to Measure, Analyze and Promote Critical Reasoning across Domains in Higher Education
Marie-Theres Nagel, Olga Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, Johannes Hartig, Lisa Martin de los Santos Kleinz, Philine Drake

Interdisciplinary Approaches to Measure, Analyze and Promote Critical Reasoning across Domains in Higher Education
Carla Schelle, Mita Banerjee, Olga Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, Amina Touzos, Dominik Braunheim

Interdisciplinary Approaches to Measure, Analyze and Promote Critical Reasoning across Domains in Higher Education.
Anna Horrer, Setfan Küchemann, Jochen Kuhn, Martin R. Fischer, Jan Zottmann

Interdisciplinary Approaches to Measure, Analyze and Promote Critical Reasoning across Domains in Higher Education.
Natalia Ronderos Barreto, Doreen Flick-Holtsch


Critical Online Reasoning in Higher Education. First Insights from an Interdisciplinary and International and Research Group on Internet-based Learning.
Olga Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, Jennifer Fischer, Paul Hodes, Lisa Martin de los Santos Kleinz, Lukas Trierweiler

BWP 2024

16.-18. Sept 2024
Dresden, Germany


Frank, K., Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O., Braunheim, D., Nagel, M.-T., & Shavelson, R. (2024). Kriterienbasierte Bewertung von Critical Thinking – Prozesse bei der Auswahl und Nutzung multipler Quellen von Wirtschaftspädagogik - Studierenden.

Hodes, P., Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O., Fischer, J., Molerov, D. (2024). Critical Online Reasoning beim internetbasierten Lernen von Studierenden der Wirtschaftspädagogik - eine systematische Forschungsübersicht.

Nagel, M.-T., Zlatkin-Troitschanskai, O., Hodes, P., Schmidt, S., Beck, K., Martin de los Santos, L. (2024). Domänenspezifisches Critical Online Reasoning (DOM-COR) bei StudienanfängerInnen der Wirtschaftswissenschaften und der Wirtschaftspädagogik und wesentliche Einflussfaktoren auf die DOM-COR Baseline.

Past Conferences


26.-28. June 2024
Barcelona, Spain


AERA 2024

11.-14. Apr 2024
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association

Selected Presentations:

Invited Talk: Student Civic Online Reasoning Skills in Higher Education – Cross-National Results and Perspectives

Symposium: Performance Assessments to Validly Measure Cross-National University Economics Students’ Domain-Specific Critical Online Reasoning

Poster: Critical Online Reasoning in Higher Education (CORE): Assessing Knowledge Acquisition in Online Settings in Germany

See all sessions (please search for the titles)


GEBF 2024

18.-20. Mar 2024
Potsdam, Germany

Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung

Symposium: Lernen in digitalen Umgebungen – Modellierung, Messung und Förderung der Kompetenzen von Studierenden im Umgang mit Online-Informationen

Erfassung der kritischen Informationsnutzung im Internet durch interaktive computerbasierte Aufgaben
Philine Drake, Frank Goldhammer, Carolin Hahnel, Johannes Hartig, Jannick Illmann, Carmen Köhler, Marcus Schrickel

Zum kritischen Umgang Studierender mit Internetinformationen – Methodologische Potentiale hermeneutisch-rekonstruktiver und narrativer Analysen in digitalen Lernumgebungen
Carla Schelle, Mita Banerjee, Olga Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, Dominik Braunheim, Amina Touzos


Critical Online Reasoning in Higher Education. Assessing knowledge acquisition in online settings in Germany
Olga Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, Johannes Hartig, Jennifer Fischer, Dimitri Molerov

Critical Thinking – Erfassung des kritischen Umgangs mit Internet-basierten Informationen von Studierenden im internationalen Vergleich
Katharina Frank, Olga Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, Dominik Braunheim, Marie Nagel, Richard Shavelson


Kick-Off Conference 2023

On 4 and 5 December 2023, the DFG Research Unit CORE on "Critical Online Reasoning in Higher Education" was launched with an international conference held at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.

The conference program was full with engaging sessions of all ongoing projects in CORE, and discussions, which provided invaluable insights into the current state of research and also into  initial findings.

Prof. Stefan Müller-Stach, Vice-President of JGU Mainz, opened the KickOff conference with awelcome to participants, and Prof. Olga Troitschanskaia, spokesperson for CORE, introduced the widely renowned members of the CORE Research Advisory Board and the International Principal Investigators.

On the first day, the Principal Investigators presented their projects from the three research areas, A, B and C, with the diverse research approaches and initial results. Topics ranged from the modeling, measurement, and development of Critical Online Reasoning skills when solving generic and domain-specific online task to qualitative and quantitative analyses of online media used by students to exploration of narrative framing and latent meaning structures found in online information, and finally approaches to assess processes during task solving, track students’ online behavior in assessment, and infrastructure to bring together the diverse data streams.

The second day of the conference included speed coaching with of YORE participants and expert members of the Research Advisory Board from both Germany and abroad. Presentations of initial results from the CORE Task Groups, and a roundtable discussion to foster collaboration and to share expertise were the centerpiece of the second day. The event concluded with critical feedback from the Research Advisory Board, summarizing outcomes and outlining the next steps.

See the Agenda of the FOR CORE Kick-Off Conference



AEPF 23 – 15 Sept 2023, Potsdam, Germany

Conference of the Working Group for Empirical Educational Research 2023

Symposium: Kritisches Denken online. Der Umgang mit Online-Informationen im
Hochschulstudium – Vorstellung der Forschungsgruppe CORE