Measures to support Young Researchers in the FOR CORE

Supporting and promoting Young Researchers (YORE) is a central component of the Research Unit FOR CORE. Specific measures and strong international partner networks augment the well-established structures of the participating universities JGU, GU and LMU, and of the research institute DIPF.

These provide an excellent interdisciplinary environment for the completion of qualification work by ensuring continuous support for all YOREs (doctoral students and postdocs).

Individual and interdisciplinary supervision and mentoring on a regular basis.


In addition to regular individual supervision and mentoring by project specific Principal Investigators and supervisors of the qualification work, all young researchers benefit from research colloquia held regulary each semester as an opportunity to present and discuss all YOREs' current work. Further coaching opportunities (such as speed coaching with international PIs and cooperation partners) are offered as part of the round table meetings.

We offer all YOREs funding to support their academic development. These include lab rotations, which enable young researchers to familiarize themselves with different research environments and gain an in-depth understanding of other projects both within the CORE and the research labs of internation partners. Funding for travel is provided so that YOREs can participate in summer schools, join international networks, and keep up to date with the latest methodological developments in their fields. International research stays are funded to strengthen worldwide research in cooperation with our global Principal Investigators and Cooperation Partners.

Furthermore, the first call for proposals for individual YORE research projects within the FOR CORE was issued in February 2024. The call offers funding for the individual work carried out when preparing publications and new research proposals (e.g., support staff and expenses). This work will be related to the FOR CORE’s focus but expand beyond the framework of the main study. Moreover, we support all YOREs in the publication process to increase their international visibility and advance their scientific careers through tailored mentoring, inclusion in symposia, and their promotion within the wider network.

Equality Measures within CORE

CORE defines itself as an inclusive research unit aiming to promote diversity among the FOR researchers, provide equal opportunities, and empower all minority groups, e.g., through tailored further development. Following the DFG Research-Oriented Equity and Diversity Standards (DFG, 2022), all institutions in the FOR have implemented effective (incl. award-winning) programs to promote diversity and equal opportunities, supporting researchers through institutional (e.g., Career Services), contractual (e.g., Good Employment Practices), and individual measures (e.g., mentoring). The FOR endorses consistent, transparent, equal conditions for all researchers.